My Journey as a Photographer and Artist

This blog will be about my journey. . .or, should I say my new journey?  I really started learning and doing photography a couple of years ago as I felt a need for a creative outlet and had a co-worker whom I admired that did fashion photography.  He invited me to a shoot, and the rest was history.  I jumped in head first and didn’t look back.  Fast forward two years, many fashion shoots, some published editorials, and lots of money spent on equipment later and here I am — no longer a fashion photographer, no longer worried about coordinating these big editorial shoots, and no longer worried about what gear I’m using.  I decided that fashion photography just wasn’t for me.  So, if I’m not doing fashion photography, then what am I doing?  Well, I’m shooting what I love. . .pure and simple.  I love my family and love taking photos of everyone, especially my kids, any chance I get.  I love the beauty all around us so find myself going to the parks and other natural areas looking to capture just some of what I see.  I enjoy street photography and trying to find those “decisive moments.”  I just like taking pictures — as often as I can with whatever tool I have handy.  On this blog you will be able to follow my journey as a photographer and artist and get a glimpse of how I see the world.

3 thoughts on “My Journey as a Photographer and Artist

  1. I, for one, admire this new step you’ve taken! While I thought you did great with the fashion work you were doing, there is something more that I see in the recent pictures you’ve done. There is more heart and soul in these pictures. It shows that while the other was great from a learning experience, this is what your creative side wanted and needed to do. Fantastic work, my friend!


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